8. Septmber - 20. November 2020

Exhibition view FREIRAUM in der Box

We open the garden of the FREIRAUM with the project Open Air Care with the installation Downhill Classroom by Zafos Xagoraris.

We invite you to spend time outdoors and to reflect on the ideals of open-air schooling, questions of freedom and restriction, education and relationship, learning and discipline, which are again extremely relevant today in the context of social distancing and digital learning.

The open-air school movement was born in Berlin. The movement began in the late 1890s after examinations of overpopulated living conditions of workers with tuberculosis. In 1904, the first open-air school, the Waldschule Charlottenburg, opened. The experience of tuberculosis and Spanish flu contributed to the Bauhaus credo „Light, Air and Sun“.

Zafos Xagoraris lives, teaches and works in Athens and will come to Berlin in 2021. He will teach, delve into the subject of open-air schooling and host workshops in the FREIRAUM with us and schools.

His works create interaction with people by exploring aspects that govern the relationship between the public and the private. He participated in the Venice Biennale 2019 and documenta 2017, among others.

The Corona crisis limits our exhibition and event program, but also offers the chance to ask fundamental questions:

How can we combine living, learning and working together?

What can we learn from the crisis with the joy of thinking and the desire to create together?

How can we simultaneously become aware of global connections and be locally connected?

How can we create spaces for exchange and encounter, especially now?

How can we consciously cultivate our friendly and neighborly relationships with small gestures?

We would like to invite, encourage and inspire you to reflect on all these questions in the garden of the FREIRAUM, to enjoy the fresh air with friends and to get together in the neighborhood!

Our program in cooperation with the Raum für Nachbarschaft (Space for neighborhood) Wühlisch 40 of Projekt:Kirche can be found here.

We can offer pupils and students, who will study digitally, the possibility to meet at a distance in the garden of the Freiraum after pre-registration.

Opening hours
8th September – 20th November 2020
Wednesday - Friday, 12 - 5 pm